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Waste Events

This collection contains endpoints that allow creating, manipulating and submitting waste events.

Waste Categories

Many endpoints in this collection allow setting a waste_category value. These are the possible values that these fields can take on, and their meanings:

DATE_EXPIREDItem past its expiration date.
RETURNED_BY_CUSTOMERReturned by customer.
KITCHEN_ERRORKitchen error.
ITEM_RENDERED_UNUSABLEItem was rendered unusable.
MISTAKE_EXPIREDItem expired because of a mistake.
MARKETINGUsed for marketing.
FREEBIEGiven away as a freebie.
BUFFET_BREAKFASTWasted in a buffet/breakfast.
STAFFStaff consumption.
ACCIDENTWasted by accident.